This is a sampling of comments from Mr. Davis’ coaching clients. References are available upon request.
Honesty -I know that I can rely on you to give me direct and honest feedback…Diverse and precise communication skills -I have yet to see a group of people or an indiviudal who you couldn’t effectively communicate with. JCH
Jim is a natural coach…He will open your mind to new ideas. He listens, observes and gives clear meaningful input and insight. TR
Jim has a unique talent to movtivate people to identify and work toward maximizing their intellectual and personal potential…his core values and intellect provide a sense of security that allows one to be creative and purposeful…His intuition about people and situations inevitably lead to new opportunities for growth. BJ
Jim is honest and to the point…He is dependable, reliable and trusted…The true beauty behind his guidance and my learning is the naturalness of it. MR
…the most important of Jim’s unique abilities is he is a highly moral and ethical man. I have absolute turst in him. SH
You are incredibly good at listening…You have learned how to suspend judgement and see deeper issues…you make people feel accepted and valued. DMG
Jim is an authentic person…I never feel like you are anyone other than who you truly are…You possess a level of integrity I aspire to…You have deep compassion…I have never felt judged by you. I feel you always speak your truth with kindness. MA
I can always count on you to deliver service…you have impeccable judgement…This diligence in your personal evolution over the years has become something I can rely on and has ultimately captured my trust. JH
Since I started working with Jim on a one-to-one basis, I’ve developed and refined skills in starting new deparmtnets and growing existing ones effectively. I now successfully direct four departments including 20 fulltime staff members as well as outside consutltants and this is in large part thanks to Jim’s coachiing. SE
Jim takes in all the feelings and data and then takes the person to the big picture to understand what they are working for…I count on Jim for honesty with diplomacy…(he has the) ability to challenge, asking the kind of questions that don’t put me on the defensive, challenging in a positive way. JH
Jim is one of the most honest, caring and professional people I have ever met. He is truly a genuine person whom one can count on to say and do what he commits to. It is rare these days to find an honest person who is informed , intelligent and practiced. He helped me undertand and believe in my own abilities and goals…helping me define, understand and refine my goals and my plan for action. TR
Jim is an avid supporter of others reaching their true potential and celebrating their gifts and talents…He truly values learning and personal growth for himself and others…Jim has a good sense of humor…KD
Jim is a person of strong moral integrity…(his) values of truthfulness, respect, caring, fariness in dealing with others, dependability and reliability permeated our interactions. CA